
Knowledge unshared will one day be knowledge forgotten. What is forgotten from the world can only have temporary value.


Notes, knowledge and skills needs produce something in order to best honour the time spent in creating and learning those things.

Leaving ideas and skills as a purely personal thing does a disservice to the honour and time spent in acquiring them.

For example:

Having a #personal knowledge management system (PKM) is reassuring for the user, but that knowledge might as well be forgotten if it remains abstract and unshared.

But we can make these abstract skills and knowledge more valuable by sharing them

We shouldn't be afraid of this

We each have our own journeys of learning and most of them involve learning from others, but we don't have to be experts to share. There will always be people who are further behind you on any particular path you are taking for whom your knowledge, learning and experience will be useful.

Similar to ideas from Show Your Work!, we can make our ideas more valuable when we share them, because someone may find value in them - adding to the value we already have in them.

This is the core of Working with the door open