There is no point in collecting notes unless they will be shared. To publish a note is to let it exist to its fullest extent.
Creating notes without producing anything reduces the efficacy of those notes (Notes that are useful) Without an end in mind, there is no quality filter and the process becomes a task of filling a bottomless bucket. (We can easily create without actually producing anything)
In reality, there is no longer any level of quality to which we need to get be able to get to in order to publish and share our thoughts. Blogging and ‣ has made such things accessible for all.
Without an external gatekeeper, we become our own gatekeepers, when we should Show Your Work!. There is no longer any incentive to be coy.
As such, every creative endeavor needs to have an eye on the method of publication along that project journey. The end state should include publication and that activity should shape HOW the project should develop. Notes should be publishable whether they are in line with Working with the door open or private - because Notes should be written for the audience of your future-self