
Creating a system where you can run through your weekly activities on 'autopilot' can be beneficial to productivity and mental health.


There are many distractions and moving away from each distraction takes energy away from the tasks you really want to be doing.

Working on Autopilot means that you have a system where you don't need to consider the system to work within it - you just do the jobs on the list safe in the knowledge they they are going to be the right jobs at the right time because that is what you have previously planned to do in your #Weekly review

Make sure you have an idea of what you want to do across a week and focus your energy on installing the daily routines in your life that will (gradually) help you move towards those ends. Then just let it run. Anything that crops up across the week that might get in the way of that (optimisations, distraction, doubts etc.), put it in your ephemeral notes (I use #Google Keep) and deal with it during my #Weekly review.

Very often, the distractions and doubts don't last long - so don't let them derail you. Keep moving forward on the path you have already decided. It give you much more time to get on with the actual work rather than worrying about how to do the work.