Reading can get distracting, so save articles you have an interest in to a read-it-later service and you can continue on with your workflow, giving proper attention to the articles (and filtering out of bad articles) when you read them.
Pocket is my read-it-later service.
Pocket has recently introduced a feature where tagging is encouraged when the note is saved, rather than leaving it as an option for later on when it may be forgotten or never done at all.
This is excellent as it allows the almost automatic creation of playlists of articles on specific tags to avoid genre/subject hopping, which may lead to distraction or confusion.
It also uses Front loading to avoid talks mounting up and becoming too unmanageable for the #Weekly review - Working in bite size chunks
Highlighting and storing highlights in a is an important part of adding value to articles that are read.
Use a Highlight Library to generate new ideas